To assist our visitors understand the operation of this site and the application of their personal information, we have established this privacy statement to protect all visitors of this site.
Within a reasonable scope, we welcome links. In case of citation or reference, please indicate the source of origin.
To fully respect and ensure personal privacy, all personal information provided for within this site will be protected under appropriate procedures and techniques.
We will collect information such as the IP address and browsing activities of a user for our internal analysis. To provide services and contacts, personal information shall first be completed before using services including email correspondence, bulletin messaging, provided for under this site.
All personal information obtained from this site, unless otherwise specified or as set forth under relevant laws or regulations, will only be applied within the scope of original intent.
Cookies are tools through which the servers interact with users’ browsers. This site contain cookies as to provide a more flexible and adequate interface for users. However, users can choose to cancel or restrict such function by altering the preference option of their browsers.
We do not control and are not responsible for any links to third party web sites within this site. All visitors are responsible for viewing and abiding by the privacy statements and terms of use posted at those sites.
To provide adequate protection for users’ privacy, the statement is subject to changes reflecting development in technology or amendment to relevant regulations.
Amended articles will be posted on this site immediately.